NSA Ajit Doval, while addressing the young IPS officers serving as superintendent of police in districts, advised them in a recent conference at Grugram organised by Bureau of Police Research & Development, MHA to be”credible and fair”.He said that Police should be perceived as “fair” by the common man in the street. The perception of the Police in the mind of common man is very important.If the common man feels that the police is efficient, honest and objective, the society will feel secure. He made a very significant observation when he said that ‘if police fails,democracy fails’. Police officers should follow his advice religiously that a law is as affected as it is executed on the ground. The advice of Ajit Doval, who has also served as Director of Intelligence Bureau acquires great significance in the background of present communal riots and follow up violence and attacks by outside goons on innocent poor men and women living in Delhi in search of their livelihood. The police by its failure to anticipate and then acting decisively has earned all round criticism in including from the High Court. Barkha Dutt in her reporting from Ground Zero has found that theb complaint against the police has been from both Hindus and Muslims.
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